5 Proven Strategies to Get More Instagram Followers Organically

5 Proven Strategies to Get More Instagram Followers Organically 1

Why More Followers Matter on Instagram?

Instagram has emerged as one of the most influential social media platforms for businesses and influencers alike. After all, with over 1 billion active users today, Instagram has become the go-to platform for engaging with customers, building brand awareness, and influencers collaborating with brands. Therefore, to maximize the impact of Instagram, your brand or personal account must have a massive following. And the best way to achieve this goal is by growing more followers organically, i.e., without resorting to paid followers or bots.

Understand Your Audience to Create Targeted Content

The first step in growing your audience organically on Instagram is to understand your audience’s preferences and likes. The best way to kickstart your journey to Instagram stardom is by creating targeted content that appeals to your audience’s interests. One way to do this is through Instagram Insights, which provides information on your follower demographics, including their age, location, gender, and interests. This information can help you tailor your content to their preferences and increase your engagement with them.

Create High-Quality Content and Consistent Posting Schedule

To grow your Instagram account organically, you need to create high-quality, visually appealing content that captures the attention of your audience. While beautiful imagery is essential for grabbing eyeballs, you also need to provide valuable information to your followers through engaging captions. Moreover, it is crucial to maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep your followers engaged and grow your following. One easy way to accomplish this is by using a social media scheduling tool to create and post content ahead of time.

Collaborate with Other Instagram Accounts in Your Niche

Collaborating with other Instagram accounts is one of the most effective ways to grow your followers organically. Partnering with fellow influencers and businesses in your niche can help you boost your reach, acquire new followers, and provide valuable insights and feedback on your content. Reach out to accounts with a similar target audience as yours to create partnership opportunities. This can include collaborations such as shoutouts, Instagram Story takeovers, or co-hosting live events.

Use Hashtags Strategically to Increase Reach

Instagram’s search algorithm is primarily based on hashtags and the content they are associated with. So using relevant hashtags is critical to getting discovered by people searching for specific content on Instagram. However, ensure that the hashtags you use are specific and relevant to your niche. Using broad hashtags such as #travel or #food will only attract bots and spam accounts, which can harm your engagement rate. Stick to niche-specific hashtags and limit the number of hashtags you use within a post, preferably between 5-10.

Bonus Tip: Host Instagram Contests and Giveaways

Hosting Instagram giveaways and contests is an excellent way to increase engagement, drive traffic to your profile, and grow your follower base. These contests can be centered around themes that are related to your brand or service, while the reward for the contest winner could be a discount, gift card, or product sample. This can create buzz around your brand, attract potential customers, and boost your followers organically.


Growing a massive following on Instagram is critical to getting noticed, building your brand, and becoming influential. By following these strategies to get more Instagram followers organically, you can not only gain a larger audience but also create valuable relationships and partnerships with businesses and influencers in your niche. With that said, remember, organic growth takes time, effort, and persistence, so stay persistent, keep creating high-quality content, engage with your audience and watch your audience grow. To additionally enrich your educational journey, we recommend you explore the recommended external site. You’ll find additional and valuable information on the topic. how get instagram followers, broaden your understanding!

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